Subject title Circuit design and manufacturing process
Subject code EE3113
Number of Credits 3
Evaluate Exam: 50 – Test: 0 – Exercises: 0 – Major Exercises: 30 – Experiments: 0
Course description:

After completing the course, students will be able to correctly identify the necessary steps to produce an integrated circuit or any MEMS device, understand and be able to calculate the setup steps to produce ICs and MEMS. Students are also equipped to understand the packaging process and analyze performance in manufacturing.

The subject content is presented in 10 chapters. Chapter 1 presents an overview of production technology and main production steps that will be presented in detail in the following chapters. Photolithography process 2.1. The photolithography process is presented in chapter 2, which details the etching technique, photomask production, exposure system, light source, optical and electron microscopy. Chapter 3 describes the thermal oxidation process for Silicon, simulation of oxidation process, factors affecting oxidation rate, redistribution of impurities during oxidation, masking properties of SiO2, oxygen technique oxidation, oxidation quality, selective oxidation, oxidation thickness characteristics and thermal oxidation simulation. Diffusion knowledge includes the diffusion process, mathematical models for diffusion, diffusion coefficients, contact formation and characterization, band resistance, diffusion process simulation, and diffusion systems dispersion is presented in chapter 4. The next chapter describes ion implantation, ion implantation techniques, mathematical models for ion implantation, selective ion implantation, contact depth, and strip resistance. The film formation process is presented in chapter 6, with knowledge about evaporation, sputtering, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and epitaxial growth techniques. Chapter 7 introduces the internal wiring and contact process. Packaging and performance analysis are covered in chapter 8, which covers inspection, wafer die separation, packaging, and performance analysis. Integration of MOS process, MOS transistor layout and design rules, CMOS technology, silicon on SOI insulator are presented in chapter 9. The final chapter presents the manufacturing process for MEMS, mechanical properties of Silicon, bulk micromachining process, surface micromachining process, LIGA process, integrated process with IC and simulation.

Experimental Materials:  
Old exam: